ul. Ľ. Štúra 5, 960 82 ZVOLEN
tel.: 045/5331071, 5331920, e-mail: sluzby@kskls.sk
The Regional Library Ľudovít Štúr, Zvolen is situated in the centre of the town Zvolen, which has 42 657 inhabitants at present. Its seat is in the historical building, former House of Craftsmen, on the Street of Ľ. Štúr. The building has two floors and the Library area is 1,192 sqm.
Head librarian bureau, Department of methodology and automation, Department of economical and technical activities, Department of acquisition, processing and preservation of library funds and stores.
The Library uses the library-information system Clavius, all library services are completely automated. It operates as a regional and district coordinator, methodical, educational, bibliographical and information centre for other libraries and centre for cross lending services in the area of the Banská Bystrica region.
The Library regularly publishes the professional information journal "THE LIBRARIEN REPORT " for the needs of communal libraries in the region and a journal "ČÍTAJKO" for the support of the reading of pupils in the basic schools.
The Library organizes yearly a journalistic competition for students of secondary schools and universities from Slovakia "ŠTÚROVO PERO".
The Library is the member of the Slovak Association of Libraries and the Society of Slovak Librarians.